Preserving all your images and messages for your kids

How do you keep your photos and various digital media preserved for the future?

Updated 07.07.2020

Not sure if I’m worrying too much or overthinking things, but I like to plan, and one of those things I plan for is my eventual demise. I realize life is fragile, and now with little ones to take care of, that realization is even more present everyday. I want my family to be okay even if I’m not here. One of the less important items is how to preserve all the images, videos, and random things for my kids, and just as importantly, how do I make sure they get them in the event I’m not here.

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Google rejected my site for ads because I have no content 😢

As I learn, actually re-learn, many of the details of starting up a website, one of the things I’m currently working on is getting ads on my site. The reason for this is because it’ll help me pay for hosting this site and renewing my domain name. I just got denied, but hoping this time it goes through as I do plan to post much more about all the things I learn everyday about whatever.

In case you are trying to enable Google AdSense on your site, here’s what they sent me as suggestions on approving my site for ads. Maybe it’ll help you as well:

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